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23 September 2010

Emo and Rock Music Scene...

This powerpoint is basically me analysing some of the bands that fall into the emo and rock music genre and looking at some photographs of the certain bands.


These photographs were taken so we can get to grips with using cameras.

This photograph was taken to try and show a high angled shot. This could be used to show pitty or show that someone is be showed as small.

This is a low angled close up. This could be used to show someones emotions and from a low angle could be used to make someone seem intimidating and more powerful.

This one we tried to use the rule of thirds by sitting the three people on a bench but making them sit equally apart so the rule of thirds works effectively. The rule of thirds is used to make the viewer focus on a certain thing.

Here we created a juxtaposed image of having a happy looking guy sat next to a moody emo looking girl. This can have an effect whether its comic or serious.

This is another photo in which we used the rule of thirds this time we had it set where they were stood diagonally compared to the last time we used the rule of thirds.

Once again we used the rule of thirds but this time placing each person in front of some glass blocks that were already in a rule of thirds.

For our last photograph using the rule of thirds we sat them down and set them back a bit each time. This one isn't as good as the other three photos using the rule of third as we didn't set it up as well.

This was our attempt at creating a photo using a shallow depth of field. We didn't really know what to do for this one so we guessed and came up with this.

For this one we used the Macro Lens to gain some detail on the flower. Its not the best example in the world but you can tell that it is more focused on the flower and my hand than the background itself. This would be used to pick up impeccable detail on something in the foreground.

16 September 2010

Fall Out Boy...

Fall Out Boy have been around for 10 years now but only within the past few years have they made their way into the lime light. The song that got them there is 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs'.

Most people would catagorize them as an emo and/or rock band. Each band member has their own individual style:

Patrick Stump - When he was in Fall Out boy he had a very unique look of hats, side burns and shirts and ties. Nothing that would be the usual stereotype of an emo band.

Pete Wentz - He dresses in the typical emo way of skinny jeans, hoodies, guyliner and short black hair.

Joe Trohman - He doesn't follow the stereotypical emo dresscode but he doesn't seem to follow anything else either. However, he doesn't have much of a unique style.

Andy Hurley - Once again he doesn't follow the stereotypical emo dresscode but his long hair and beard makes him seem slightly rocker.

9 September 2010

Intro Blog :)

This blog is where I will be posting my development and then final product of my music magazine.

I have started to look at other magazines that I am interested in and that I may base my magazine around one of them is:

However I do think that Kerrang! is more of a metal magazine which is more appealing to males. If there is a spot open then I think I will make my music magazine fit in with the emo genre of music and focus on bands such as Fall Out Boy, Paramore, You Me At Six and Biffy Clyro etc. etc. Although Kerrang! does include those bands in their magazine I think that there should be one only based on that genre of music. These type of bands will interest teens which will make them my target audience!

Well, bai for now :)