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22 October 2010

Music Magazine Intro...

For the next few months I will be concentrating on creating a Music Magazine that will have a target audience of teens who are into emo and pop/punk music. I will be creating a front cover, contents page and double page spread. I will also be creating my own musicians and doing photo shoots with them at the best of my ability so I have the best choice of photography possible. By the end I hope that the magazine will be the best that I can make and that it follows the codes and conventions of other magazines that are in the same genre of it.

21 October 2010

Photo Shoot Ideas...

Here I have started to think of some ideas for what style of photos I could take for my front cover of my music magazine. In general you can get two types of photos: posing/moody or silly/acting up. I think I will take a few of each type and see which ones come out the best.

College Magazine Evaluation...

College Magazine...

This is my finished version of my college magazine.

Front Cover

Contents Page

Photoshop Practice...

This was a practice task so we could get to grips with using photoshop by creating an advert for a new perfume.

Magazine Front Cover Analysis...

Here we had to pick out the main features of a few magazine front covers so we know the codes and conventions.

7 October 2010

College Magazine Questionnaire Results...

We asked between 5 and 10 people to fill in a questionnaire so we have a better idea of who our target audience is.

We found that:

Q1: Male or Female?
Answer: Majority were female.

Q2: What genre of music do you like?
Answer: All into rock music.

Q3: Where do you like to go shopping?
Answer: The highstreet.

Q4: When you go shopping is there always a certain brand you buy?
Answer: They all buy from different brands.

Q5: Are you a leader or a follower?
Answer: All say they are leaders.

Q6: Do you plan to go to university?
Answer: All plan to go to university.

Q7: If you could be any celebrity who would it be and why?
Answer: They all look up to music artists.

Q8: Are you environmentally friendly?
Answer: Most are environmentally friendly.

Q9: Do you have a job?
Answer: Most have jobs.

Q10: What do your parents/gaurdians do for a living?
Answer: Most are working class.

Q11: What courses are you taking in college?
Answer: They all take a wide variety of subjects.

Q12: Are you participating in any enrichment activites?
Answer: Majority take enrichment activities.

Q13: What type of social group do you think other people would associate you with?
Answer: Either none or emo.

Q14: Where do you think you will be in 10 years time?
Answer: They all hope to have their dream jobs.

Q15: What do you mainly use the internet for?
Answer: Social Networking.

Conclusion: I think that when we handed out our questionnaires we were biased towards picking females and the more of an emo stereotype. Most people say they buy their clothes from the highstreet but they also have jobs so they do have some form of income.

Colege Magazine Photographs...

These photos were taken to be used in the College Magazine. We tried to use Medium Close-Ups as our main camera shot for these images as this follows the codes and conventions of magazine front covers. 

These are pictures which i took to have as a background of mt contents page.